Custom Metadata in AEM Assets

Custom metadata that allows authors to define additional properties for digital assets beyond the standard metadata fields. These custom metadata fields in AEM Assets enhance asset management by allowing organizations to tailor information to their specific needs. They facilitate the inclusion of project specific details, campaign tags, and other relevant data, streamlining more effective asset categorization and management.
Custom metadata schemas can be created via Tools > Assets > Metadata Schemas. The default schema provides the standard properties for any asset. Choose the default schema and copy it to create your custom schema based on the existing one.
Custom Metadata Schema
You can now begin constructing the form using the field types provided by AEM under the "Build Form" section. Additionally, you can add new tabs. However, while you can add any fields to any sections within the root folder (in our case, AEM Demo) during editing, for child items, you can only add fields to new sections and new tabs.
Edit Custom Metadata Schema
After completing the metadata schema edits, you need to attach the schema to your project root folder or any specific folder. This ensures that the changes will be applied to the properties of the assets within those folders.
Apply Custom Metadata Schema to Folders
To validate the custom metadata setup, open the properties of any assets in the folder you specified in the previous step. You should see Navigation Title property and Content Approval tab.
Asset Properties
Custom Metadata can be found at /conf/global/settings/dam/adminui-extension/metadataschema. You can incorporate this configs into your AEM codebase and deploy the changes to AEM instances. Ensure that you include the path in the filter.xml.