SonarQube Setup for AEM Development

In AEM development, prioritizing code quality is essential. Even during deployment via Cloud Manager, it's crucial to meet specific metrics for security, reliability, maintainability, and code coverage. SonarQube enables continuous code inspections, identifying issues early in the development lifecycle that could affect these metrics. Though integration, developers can ensure the maintenance of clean, efficient, and secure code throughout the AEM development process.

Install SonarQube

To set up SonarQube, follow these steps:
  • Pull Docker Image: docker pull sonarqube
  • Create Container: docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 sonarqube
  • Access SonarQube Web Interface: Login to http://localhost:9000 with credentials (admin / admin)
After a successful login, you will be sent to the SonarQube Dashboard.

Create Project in SonarQube

From Projects tab, click on Create Project.
Create Project in SonarQube
The next step involves creating project token and prepare Maven command to initiate the analysis of your project.
Analysis Project in SonarQube
Copy the Maven command and execute it on your project, then navigate to the SonarQube dashboard to view the analysis report.
SonarQube Analysis Report
Using this setup, you can check the code quality metrics during development in your local environment before pushing the code to the cloud manager.